soul essence
Return to your Nature
Reveal your Soul
Dive in with me and take an evolutionary leap to transform and deepen your consciousness.
The OINOS INITIATION is a Holistic and Fully Integrated Transformational Experience; an INITIATION INTENSIVE to connect one’s soul, heart, body, and mind to Great Spirit and Source.
In this 7-week group immersion, we dig down deep into your essence and unveil your true and most aligned nature, your true blueprint, the true seed of who you are.
A series of sacred Mystery works realigns you to the vibration you were destined to hold, and when that is rectified within, everything begins to change.
This work holds a series of sacred initiations where you learn to hold a mirror to where you are who you really are, and where you're destined to go.
In each week of ceremonial experience, we will dive into 5 elemental aspects of your Nature through guided journeys and specific practices towards opening your consciousness.
Each journey will teach you how how to hold sacred space to profoundly explore your life.
I always have felt anything is possible. OINOS has moved me forward on my path that I am manifesting to bring those dreamt of possibilities into this life.
B.H., OINOS Participant
Winter 2021
Moving through the Initiations of OINOS
"The Wheel"
The Wheel is made of 5 aspects;
the Fire of the Soul,
the Air of the Mind,
the Earth of the Body,
the Water of the Heart,
and the Aether of Spirit.
These Five aspects work as a sacred temple — a sacred map. We open your consciousness up to each of these temples as an initiatory experience in and of itself, propelling you forward and inward.
These often profound visionary journeys bring a deeper seeing and apprehending of your soul’s journey in this lifetime, as well as the opportunity to move through places of stuckness, unconsciousness, and disempowerment. The initiation naturally brings forward what is out of alignment in your current state of being.
These temples of initiation hold you...
To see, to face, and to transcend.
Old patterns cleared, new patterns initiated.
Initiating into a deeper level of yourself.
Through this experience, your most natural essence comes to shine forth, remembering what is most deeply seated in your soul.
As you unwind into your true nature, it will be clear to you the patterns that are not of this nature. The energies, and vibrations, beliefs, and unresolved emotions holding you back.
Misaligned energy, places in the body, and beliefs in the mind that are not aligned naturally come in the space, and they are worked through.
You will experience catharsis, release, and revelation.
With each release and revelation comes a sacred rebirth deeper into your own unique essence; an ever deeper state of awareness, a true remembrance.
What is revealed in each temple is followed and supported with the steps you need to take to integrate these revelations into a new form.
Immersion is definitely what it felt like, sinking into deeper levels of feeling of God and God energy. Eva encourages one own's interpretations of Spirit. My closeness to God in prayer elevated. The call to seek God, ancestors, guides and angels has increased and is a place of refuge. Going into OINOS, I was looking for "a path" of what I am to do spiritually in my life/career. After the first temple, the answer naturally came: I was where I was suppose to be, basking in the love of God. The other questions are quieter now, seeking God is the first.
S.R., OINOS Participant
Winter 2021
What can happen ...
Become Clear and Open
Explore the Deepest Aspects of your Being
Feel Life as more Vibrant
Build a Deeper Connection to your Inspiration
Meet Life with more Foundation
Experience life with more Depth
Learn to trust in the Natural Unfoldment of Life
Bring more peace and deepening wisdom to navigate your life
Learn to lean into initiatory challenges that are integrating and empowering
instead of destabilizing
Come into a sense of Home, A home within yourself
Feel landed into the center core of yourself and being
Trust everything in you life more
Navigate with more ease and natural power
as you orient to the place of your deepest knowing
​INITIATION works directly with the state of your evolution, what is happening in your life, and brings that into full clarity allowing your unique song to emerge and your gifts to reveal themselves.
Eva creates a beautiful calm space yet very much alive in life, a knowing of pain and struggle with laughter coming easily. She is a great spiritual teacher/guide. I felt when she spoke, it came from a rooted knowledge. Each answer she innately knows, it feels like she has many lives behind her. She generates a safe accepting atmosphere regardless of where you are in your journey.
L.M., OINOS Participant
Winter 2021
OINOS is a collective group space and a deeply individual and personal experience. It is a unique journey that you share in community and are potentiated by others in the space. However, your process and your transformation will be its own unique experience. Each journey is organic, emergent, and particular to you.
And yet, you will unfold with others where you are supported in unfolding yourself. There is a synergistic effect that happens when we work on any aspect of the wheel within the collective. The collective is a transformative alchemy where others spark different aspects within you, bringing mirrors and activation in your awareness only human synchronicity can.
The temples of OINOS
temple 1
First we create sacred space, getting oriented so that the divine energies can move through. We embark in sacred geography so that the supporting energies are with us. This temple explores how to align your set and setting as well your mind, body, and energetics to receive fully the sacred initiatory experiences.
Skills such as attention, focus, tracking, creating protection, and receiving will be tended to.
temple 2
Spirit is everything around The Wheel and placed in the center of the wheel.
Spirit breathes the breath of Life — chi, prana into all of this apparent existence. The chi flows, moving consciousness, helping to clear and make this evolutionary life possible. Spirit can have its home in many names, many constructs, but, ultimately Spirit is beyond construct. It is what construct arises out of. Spirit birthed this wheel.
Names can be familiar — Source, Self, The One, Tao, and Great Spirit.
The movement of Spirit is chi — the breath of Life.
temple 3
North, the home of conception, the primordial fire of the ancestors, the lineages, the thread of karma, deities, ascended masters, disincarnate beings, and the first fires. In this temple, the Soul moves from Spirit into the very beginning of its incarnation through conception. Conception is the first fire of incarnation - the Spark of Life. Fire represents the light of illumination and visionary states.
The evolutionary movements in this element are inspiration and alchemy.
temple 4
East, home of the Mind, the mental body, home of Air — home of the subtle, the Winged Ones, realization, enlightenment of the mind, order, belief, and the unconscious/subconscious/conscious thought-forms. Mind is a tool of the master. Creation of ego and the idea of a separate self is supported in this aspect.
The evolutionary movements of this element are clarity, order, and stillness.
In this work, the mind comes into a rightful place and comes to understand its role in your consciousness as a support. This work allow us to see clearly how our mind works and how our belief systems and mental patterns are serving and not serving our true nature.
temple 5
The South represents the physical body and the earth, a feminine aspect. Body as wisdom, groundedness, form, vitality, wellness, stability, abundance, fertility, sensuality, and protection. The South is provider and mother.
The evolutionary movements of this aspect are vitality, generosity, and stability.
Body becomes your ally, your teacher, your foundation, and your true co-pilot to navigate life as you create healthy boundaries and physical health. Trust in self emerges naturally as you evolve your body nature.
temple 6
The West represents the waters of the emotional body and the heart energies. West is home of the sea creatures, mythological and otherwise. It is home of flow, the awakening of the heart, compassion, surrender, and intuition. Water always finds a way, no matter what even if it has to transform into ice or steam. The heart can open with these healing waters. Water is the giver of life.
The evolutionary movements of this temple are deep feeling, emotional maturity, and open-heartedness.
The heart opens more fully, unafraid to feel the waves of emotions that come and go. A compassionate embrace of yourself, others, and life is possible now. Deep authenticity of self emerges.
temple 7
The temple of OINOS allows a variety of portals into self.
We may go through the pain in the body, discord in the heart, memories in the mind, new experiences, and old wounds. The temples of the wheel are designed to take you deeply within all aspects of yourself and reveal your true nature and power.
The FIVE sacred temples of OINOS and the corresponding aspects are integral. Nothing in the wheel is truly separate. Everything arises simultaneously, and, therefore, are mutually-affecting in their mutual-arising.
As you progress, you start to feel how one aspect of your system within the work affects the other, and how they are connected. This allows you come into a deeper sense of interconnected wholeness within your entire mind-body-soul-heart-pranic system.
The last Temple brings forth the tools to fully integrate all that was experienced and learned into your daily living and practice, and way of being, living, and acting upon the world.
My faith and trust in God has grown stronger and deeper, giving me that physical grounded feeling since OINOS. Each temple opened doors of enlightened spiritual/God connection. Joy was renewed in me along with openings of pain that needed to be released. OINOS temples fill my thirst for rich ceremony. Each temple has mediations, chanting and songs which connected me to the teachings of that particular temple. I love the altar building aspect and significance of each of the temples. This enveloped me in the love of spirit more than I can describe, awakening my ancestors, guides and angels. The teaching of OINOS has changed my life. My devotion to daily prayer has increased, and, with that, I have more gratification, and contentment, reminding me of this innate fundamental strength I was born with. The teachings have made me look beyond and deeper into my relationship with God/Spirit. I know my abilities have grown to maneuver through those spirals of life. I have been a seeker of truth for many years; it feels so good to be in a community on the journey. Those within the group brought new lessons and ideas and are very thankful for them.
H.D., OINOS Participant
Winter 2021
7 Ceremonial Online Temples - 2 hours each
Weekly Guidance through the Journey
Weekly Practices / Digital Content Online
Weekly Community Integration Call
Private Facebook Community
In addition to being a part of the group temple experience and initiations, you will meet with EVA one-on-one for five (5) 75-min evolutionary sessions to deep dive directly into your precise soul's unfoldment and explore what your soul is wanting to share with you to propel you forward on your path.
I offer you an individually-tailored holding container to help these deeper aspects of you emerge, following my own intuitive guidance as well as using my many years of training and experience helping individuals move powerfully through deep process work.
Each of these sessions will be held in sacred space for your blueprint, inviting all of you online in a way that has never happened before. What is possible in these focused sessions includes soul retrieval work, trauma release, ancestral healing, spontaneous ritual work, and guidance into mystical states among other experiences. Our work will be driven by your unique soul’s longing.
Next Temple: TBD
Tuesdays 5-7 pm PST / 8-10 pm EST via Zoom
Dates of the Weekly Q&A Sessions TBD
7 Ceremonial Online Temples - 2 hours each
Weekly Guidance
Weekly Practices / Digital Content Online
Weekly Q&A Session
Private Facebook Community
7 Ceremonial Online Temples - 2 hours each
Weekly Guidance
Weekly Practices / Digital Content Online
Weekly Q&A Session
Private Facebook Community
5 Direct Sessions with Eva
Personally-tailored support for your unique unfolding
Payment Plan:
2 Payments of $370
Payment Plan:
3 Payments of $580
Want to make sure Initiation is the Perfect Step?
Click here & chat with EVA
The most important element (pun intended) was Eva. She embodies what she teaches and that connection and authenticity is felt. She has a direct connection with her ancestors and is skilled at creating and holding sacred space. Through her being completely herself, she models for the group what it is to live a life that is connected and full of grace. The combination of these qualities provided a safe and sacred space for a group of strangers from various states and countries to come together as a supportive community in a container of healing and alchemy. The fact that we were virtual did not interfere with the power of the experiences.