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Complimentary Mini-Teachings

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This teaching is a guided practice for self-clearing using an effective energy healing technique. I received this teaching from Florencia Barolin, an accomplished healer and seer. This is a simple way to work with removing unwanted energies from your field and can be done as needed. If you are working with others, daily use is recommended.

Red Rose Self-Clearing 

Sacred Elemental Medicine
Introductory Series

This introductory series is provided for those who want to learn more about elemental medicine and earth-based healing. This teaching is offered in reverence to my ancestors, blood and spiritual, who have guided my and assisted me in bringing this teaching forward. I also honor Malidoma Some, peace and blessings be upon him, for his direct teaching in my life as well as Mona Polacca for her direct teachings in my life.

Initiation Masterclass

This masterclass explores the archetype of initiation as held in traditional cultures around the world. The class explores the 3 phases of initiation and the thresholds in between. This course offers a way to understand deep transformative change. It also looks at ways an initiation can go awry and fall short. Originally it was offered as a way to introduce my Temple of OINOS process.

Oinos Temple Immersion Experience

Sacred Elemental Teachings +
Experiential Guided Journeys with the 5 OINOS Temples:
Spirit, Fire, Air, Earth, and Water

This is a go-at-your-own-pace 14-hour virtual course broken up into 7 separate classes. In each class you will learn the qualities of each element, a sacred song elevating each element, and enter a sacred space to journey with each element. At the end of the course, you will have a beginning foundation of working with each of the 5 elements and how they can be supportive and healing in your life. You will also immerse yourself in sacred, healing singing as well as receive personal teachings from each of the 5 elements. You can continue use these 5 guided journeys as often as you like to dive into your healing over and over again. 



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